Good news folks, now you can finally add meta description to individual post and pages on Blogger! This new features is only one several new features added by Blogger aiming at improving its SEO.
Meta description is a big deal because it describes the content of your blog or post. It will appear as snippet in search result and as description when you share the post. A good description increases the post,s chances of getting clicked.
1. Enableing and adding meta description to multi-post pages
1. Go to Setting >> Search prefererences >> Meta tags >> Description and click the Edit link.
2. Click the Yes radio button to enable it.
3. Enter the meta description for your blog.
4. Click Save Changes button.
2. Adding meta description to individual pages
A meta description for a post or static page can be added via Blogger's post editor.
1. Click Post and select a post to edit.
2. Click Search Description option under Post setting
3. Enter the meta description for the post and click Done.
For older post, you have to go back edit each post and manually add in the description.
3. What to do if the meta description fail to appear?
If none of the meta descriptions appear, chances are your template does not contain the necessary code to import the meta description from Blogger database. You will have to add it to your template manually:
1. Go to Template >> Edit HTML >> Proceed and insert this code right on top of:
Paste This Code !!
<b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != ""'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
Check it again !! on Online meta tag Editor because before you can see it on social media or another shared post, it need time for you to see it.
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